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Tyler Wright, DME Hub Company President

During his 30+ years in the medical equipment and supply industry, Tyler has always made one thing perfectly clear, he is in this business to provide excellent customer service and product support to individuals in need of the items he and his company represents.

He started out as an equipment cleaning tech with a local medical supply provider, was eager to help the company grow, and quickly moved around within the business developing a wide range of skills including; equipment delivery, in-home set up, rehab technician, repair technician, customer service, sales, service manager, and eventually General Manager over 3 successful sales divisions which included the development of 3 internet web sites.

However, his passion in this business has always been assisting customers with getting the right product to fit their needs by listening carefully with compassion, then providing a recommendation with his expertise of the equipment and supplies. You may have heard him mention over the years that he understands these products have a direct impact on the quality of lives of those who use them and it's highly important to ensure the customers are getting what they truly need. The second part of that is the after-sale support. Tyler understands this is equally important. He has put in place clear policies regarding the products featured and sold through DME All items will be supported 100% after the sale by means of warranty assistance, user advice, help with returns, exchange products, and replacement parts. He has made this a big priority for DME Hub.

This extensive knowledge in all aspects of the business has allowed him to cross train his staff to assist customers with everything from consultation/recommendation to set up and repair. Tyler takes pride in knowing that he and his entire staff can provide a full level of service not offered by other internet dealers in this business. His goal is to go above and beyond what has become the industry norm and do things better.

When away from the business, Tyler enjoys travel, hanging out with family and friends, spending time outdoors in the Great Northwest, and trying out some of really awesome restaurants found around the Portland area.

If you would like to discuss anything with Tyler related to either business or personal, give him a call or send him an email. He loves talking to clients!

Tyler Wright, DME Hub President