Something as simple as a worn out rear wheel bearing can have a big impact on the performance of a wheelchair. Flutter, tracking issues, squeaking, and wobble are a few of the common symptoms caused by old and corroded bearings. It's always a good idea to keep the bearing clean of hair, dirt, and debris. Plus, be proactive with your chair maintenance and occasionally change out your aging wheel and stem bearings. Its a good cost effective way to preserve the integrity of your wheelchair. It's easy to do, it's important, and you'll thank yourself when your chair is rolling smoothly.
- R6 Stainless Steel Bearing
- 440C high-end stainless steel
- 3/8" I.D x 7/8" O.D.
- Corrosion resistant
- Fits front caster: Yes
- Precision: Yes
- Sealed: Yes
- Maintenance free: Yes
Low Overhead = Low Prices. That's how we roll!