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Why You Need Waterproof Wheelchair Cushion Covers

Why You Need Waterproof Wheelchair Cushion Covers

Jul 7th 2023

Get a closer look at the big reasons why you need waterproof wheelchair cushion covers so that you can outfit your seat to support your needs comfortably.

If you don't use your wheelchair outdoors on rainy days, moisture-resistant cushions may not seem like a priority. This is an understandable thought to have at first. However, the concept of waterproof wheelchair cushions goes beyond better comfort on rainy days. There are many reasons to use these waterproof materials to make your experience easier in the long run. Learn more about why you need waterproof wheelchair cushion covers today so that you can prepare for a comfortable experience.

Drink Spills

A key reason to use waterproof cushion covers is for drinking. You can enjoy water, coffee, soda, beer, and more drinks from the comfort of your wheelchair. Unfortunately, spills can happen to everyone over the years. This makes it invaluable to have a wheelchair cushion that won't deteriorate quickly. Having a high-quality, waterproof cover on the seat keeps water bottle spills from leading to lengthy cleanups and mold growth. After all, failing to properly clean up moisture can cause mold to develop on many materials.

Urinary Incontinence

Some wheelchair users suffer from urinary incontinence, which can result in involuntary urination in the chair. Thankfully, these individuals can rely on the right waterproof cushion covers that help preserve the materials. Suffering from incontinence is nothing to be ashamed of, but you should still take extra steps to keep the wheelchair clean and comfortable. Instead of ruining the cushion due to an accident, you can quickly wash waterproof wheelchair cushions to get them clean again.

Simple Maintenance

Proper maintenance will go a long way when you want the wheelchair to have a healthy lifespan. In this case, proper maintenance includes keeping the cushion clean. Consistent washing and vacuuming will help prevent odors and stains from accruing over time. A big reason why you need waterproof wheelchair cushion covers is to make maintenance easier. As mentioned above, accidents can happen in many ways. So it's invaluable to have materials on your wheelchair designed to prevent such accidents from causing you a hassle.

You shouldn't have to stress out every time you spill a drink on your cushion. Thanks to waterproof covers, you can have more peace of mind when accidents happen. Cleaning up spills is never fun. That said, it certainly helps when the cleanup is quick and easy. Browse wheelchair cushion covers online to get a closer look at waterproof designs and the features they bring to the table.