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Wheelchair Side Guards and Why You Should Have Them

Wheelchair Side Guards and Why You Should Have Them

Feb 17th 2020

Between 2010 and 2016, the civilian population is the U.S. showed an increase in people with disabilities from 11.9% to 12.8%. Moving on a wheelchair can get pretty uncomfortable when debris, stones, and water splashes keep getting to you. As the world spins, you want to spin right with it and get your daily duties done on time. But, when these little suckers keep getting in the way, you can quickly become irritated and uncomfortable as you move. The solution: wheelchair side guards.

Between 2010 and 2016, the civilian population is the U.S. showed an increase in people with disabilities from 11.9% to 12.8%. Moving on a wheelchair can get pretty uncomfortable when debris, stones, and water splashes keep getting to you. As the world spins, you want to spin right with it and get your daily duties done on time. But, when these little suckers keep getting in the way, you can quickly become irritated and uncomfortable as you move. The solution: wheelchair side guards.

New wheelchair accessories such as wheelchair arm pads are springing up by the day to make your ride a little more comfortable, but choosing the right guard for your folding wheelchair is something to be taken seriously. Just before you make a purchase, here is everything you need to know about wheelchair side guards.

What Is A Wheelchair Guard?

Wheelchair side guards are devices you install on your rear wheels to protect you from pebbles, splashes, and debris as well as to keep things from being stuck in your chair. Manual wheelchairs are the main type of chairs that use guards, although you can still install them on other types of chairs. They come in different colors, so don't worry about personalizing your chair. You will get something to match.

Why They Are A Good Idea

Ever been so busy on your chair that you did not notice your clothes getting lodged on the wheelchair tires? If this has happened to you once or more times, then it's time to consider wheelchair side guards. A guard keeps your clothes from being lodged, thus, not being ruined or ruining your wheels. This also saves you a lot of time and keeps you from unnecessary frustrations.

To add on to this, guards have another protective function. It is normal for wheels, just like a bicycle and car wheels to pull off pebbles and debris as you travel. But unlike a car and a bicycle, not all high-performance wheelchairs come with guards so you will not be protected from the pebbles and debris that bounces off the wheel. And they hurt pretty bad. If your chair does not have the option of having a guard, or you don't like the one the chair comes with, it's time to do some shopping.

How To Choose A Wheelchair Guard

Wheelchair guards improve your mobility, which is awesome, but you must make a few considerations as you select the perfect guard. For younger people, some guards may be a little heavy and add weight to the overall frame, which impedes accessibility and general movement of the chair. To prevent this, choose lighter guards but ones that are of high quality.

You must also make sure that the guard you select is compatible with your chair. Some chairs are best used with rigid guards while others are better with clothes guard. You can easily confirm which option is best for your chair by checking the internet or asking a salesperson.

Also, choose a guard that has an easy to remove mechanism or one that has a flip back, especially if you are using wheelchairs that fold. A guard that cannot be folded or easily removed means that you will have a hard time transferring your chair. The best way to know if you will have an easy time with this is to test the guard. Check if you can easily remove the guard and assemble it back when you are ready to move again.

A wheelchair is not something you use today and discard tomorrow. It is more or less like a mini-car that helps you move around. Personalizing it and getting accessories to help you have a comfortable ride is essential. Whether you are tired of your clothes being caught on the wheels or you simply want to keep pebbles and debris away, side guards are a perfect way to meet this need.