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Wheel Locks vs. Anti-Rollback Devices: Which To Choose?

Wheel Locks vs. Anti-Rollback Devices: Which To Choose?

Jun 18th 2024

Wheel Locks vs. Anti-Rollback Devices: Which To Choose?

Having your wheelchair stay put when needed is crucial to your safety. If the chair were to move when you’re transferring seats, it could cause you to slip or fall, injuring yourself. With that being said, the million-dollar question you might be asking yourself is whether you should choose wheel locks or anti-rollback devices. Let’s break down the differences between these two options to help you decide which one is right for you.

What Are Wheelchair Locks?

Wheelchair locks, also known as brakes or parking locks, secure your wheelchair's wheels in place to prevent it from accidentally rolling away. Depending on the design, they typically engage by pulling a lever, pushing a button, or tightening a clamp. These locks are essential for when you need to transfer in and out of your wheelchair or rest on sloped ground. Whether you use a manual or powered wheelchair, everyone's chair must have a locking system to ensure the user's safety.

What Are Anti-Rollback Devices?

Anti-rollback devices, also known as hill holders, are safety devices designed to prevent your wheelchair from rolling backward during an uphill climb. They generally work through a ratchet-and-pawl mechanism that catches the wheel if it starts to roll backward, stopping the chair from moving in the wrong direction. While they can be more expensive than wheelchair locks, they provide a significant improvement in safety and ease of use for those who frequently navigate inclines.

Which One Is Right for You?

We mentioned before that all wheelchairs should come with a lock. Therefore, the decision you need to make is whether you also need an anti-rollback device. If you frequently navigate hilly terrains or require additional security, opting for both wheelchair locks and anti-rollback devices would be the best choice.

Should you choose wheel locks or anti-rollback devices? While each wheelchair should come with a lock/brake, it’s up to you if you also want to use an anti-rollback device. Consider your daily activities, budget, and personal preferences when deciding if you need this device. Both locking systems are valuable, and using them together can offer the highest level of safety and peace of mind.