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What Tools Do You Need for Basic Wheelchair Repairs?

What Tools Do You Need for Basic Wheelchair Repairs?

Feb 8th 2023

Do you know what tools you need for basic wheelchair repairs? Read this checklist so you can avoid forgetting essential supplies when repairing a wheelchair.

Wheelchairs can run into various problems, from routine maintenance to emergency repairs, that call for adjustments. If you want to be prepared, you'll need the right selection of supplies. What tools do you need for basic wheelchair repairs? Read the checklist below to pack your toolkit today.

Wrenches & Allen Keys

Your toolkit should include supplies for loosening fasteners to make replacements or adjustments. For instance, an Allen key can remove or tighten hexagonal, or hex head, fasteners. For this reason, they often go by the moniker hex key.

When you pack wrenches for repairs, consider how you can fit them to the various components of your wheelchair. Make sure you have an adjustable wrench, or a wrench set, ready to go. That way, you can make any adjustments you need to fix wheelchair functions perfectly.


Wheelchair designs also include screws you will need to interact with for repairs. Suffice it to say that you'll need a screwdriver to make these adjustments. Pack a Phillips head screwdriver in your toolkit for wheelchair repairs.

You should pack additional screws and other fasteners applicable to your wheelchair model so you can replace any damaged or missing fasteners during repairs. Now that you know what tools you need for basic wheelchair repairs, we can look further at their design specifications.

The Perfect Fit

One of the most important steps when preparing for basic wheelchair repairs is ensuring the screwdrivers, wrenches, and keys are properly sized. You run the risk of stripping the fastener if you're working with fasteners that improperly fit your tool.

You can refer to the owner's manual for fastener specifications, or you can carefully compare the tools to your fasteners to see if the fit is right. You should know pretty quickly if the tool is doing the job successfully. At DME Hub, our manual wheelchair parts for sale include the tools mentioned above and more. Stock up on the tools you need so you're never unprepared for emergency repairs.