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What To Look For In Performance Wheelchairs

What To Look For In Performance Wheelchairs

Feb 28th 2020

Performance wheelchairs are designed for speed and quick mobility. Usually, this translates into a lighter wheelchair made from lightweight materials.

Not all wheelchairs are created equal, as anyone who's ever used one can attest. After all, around 10% of the world's population, some 650 million people, live with a disability. Some wheelchairs are far more comfortable than others, and each is designed with a specific purpose in mind. For athletes, a performance wheelchair can make a significant difference in mobility and agility during a game. But what details make a performance wheelchair better for sports than your average wheelchair? Look for these unique qualities of performance wheelchairs while you're shopping.

Lightweight Materials

Many wheelchairs are unfortunately heavy and bulky, making them difficult to operate quickly. This can also get in the way of getting your wheelchair into vehicles or less accessible spaces. Performance wheelchairs, on the other hand, are designed for speed and quick mobility. Usually, this translates into a lighter wheelchair made from lightweight materials.

Wheel Angles

One of the most notable differences of performance wheelchairs is their wheels. Wheelchair wheels traditionally are positioned upright, making it easier to fit through narrow spaces like doorways or hallways. Performance wheelchairs feature wheels that sit at an angle, which allows for improved control and handling while competing in your sport of choice. These uniquely angled wheels also often come with hand rims. These hand rim grips provide better control and the ability to self-propel the wheelchair across a court comfortably. The better your grip and control over your wheels, the faster you'll be able to move and brake, giving you the advantage in athletic settings.

Agility Adaptations

Finally, performance wheelchairs have one additional feature that makes them ideal for an active lifestyle: agility. These wheelchairs are designed to maneuver quickly across long distances, but also within small spaces. While many standard wheelchairs can be difficult to navigate in, performance wheelchairs can help you crush the competition with quick maneuvering. All this is possible even without sacrificing comfort. Most performance wheelchairs feature arm pads, backrests, and cushions designed to keep your high-performing chair equally as comfortable.

Having the right wheelchair can make a huge difference in promoting an active lifestyle and accessibility. Make sure to look for all of these features in your next performance wheelchair. For more information or to purchase your own wheelchair, contact DME Hub today.