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What Makes Folding Wheelchairs So Convenient to Use?

What Makes Folding Wheelchairs So Convenient to Use?

Feb 10th 2022

The question is, why is a folding wheelchair more convenient to use, and what makes it worth the investment as opposed to a rigid wheelchair?

When shopping for a wheelchair, you will typically be given the choice between a folding wheelchair and a rigid wheelchair. The main difference between the two, as the names suggest, lies in the folding wheelchair's ability to flexibly fold and the rigid wheelchair's lack thereof. A folding wheelchair can be lightweight or heavy, depending on your needs, and will typically cost between $1,000 and $5,000.

The reality is that many people will need wheelchairs at some point in their lifetimes. Right now, about 10% of the world's population, or 650 million people, live with a disability of some sort. The question is, why is a folding wheelchair more convenient to use, and what makes it worth the investment as opposed to a rigid wheelchair?

1. Transportability

One of the main reasons why you should consider a folding wheelchair is that it's easier to transport. The more easily you can transport a wheelchair, the easier it is for you to get around in the world as you wish. A folding wheelchair can be simply folded up and loaded into your car, taking up much less space than a rigid wheelchair would. Rigid wheelchairs must either be transported in a large vehicle like a van or disassembled prior to transportation.

2. Flexible Foot Placements

It's important that you are able to place your feet where you would prefer, no matter what type of wheelchair you are using. A poor foot placement can often be uncomfortable. A folding wheelchair allows you to make adjustments so that your feet are where you would like them to be. This is not so easy when a rigid wheelchair is involved.

3. Greater Movability

When a folding wheelchair is moving over uneven ground, its flexibility makes it easier to take the terrain's impact. A rigid wheelchair will be more easily rattled or jostled, which can sometimes result in the wheelchair falling over or being unable to move at all.

4. Easier Storage

A major benefit of a folding wheelchair is that it can be stored virtually anywhere. Whereas a rigid wheelchair may be difficult to keep in a small apartment or house with little closet space, a folding wheelchair can be put away and kept almost anywhere.

When it comes to accessibility, a folding wheelchair is often the better choice. Why not make life a little easier with one? Contact DME Hub for the wheelchair accessories you need.