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Top Tips for Traveling with a Wheelchair

Top Tips for Traveling with a Wheelchair

Jul 22nd 2021

From simply having more faith in people to provide inclusive travel to make sure your wheelchair tires are in tip-top condition, there are lots of things you can do to make traveling more pleasant.

When you're traveling with a wheelchair, you don't need us to tell you how difficult it can be. Everything from not having accessible ramps to something happening to your wheelchair brakes mid-trip can happen and make things complicated. Instead of letting traveling with a wheelchair frustrate you, make it work for you instead.

There are lots of tips that one can pay attention to when traveling with a wheelchair, and some of them might not be so obvious. From simply having more faith in people to provide inclusive travel to make sure your wheelchair tires are in tip-top condition, there are lots of things you can do to make traveling more pleasant. Once you take a look at this list, we think you'll agree and even implement some of them!

Research Your Destination to the Max

If you're planning inclusive travel completely by yourself, it helps to know as much as possible about where you're going and what it's like. Not all destinations are suited to inclusive travel, and it's just a reality of life that many third-world countries or even newly developed countries may be hard to navigate in a wheelchair. Despite this, there are many inclusive travel destinations worth going to in the world and domestically, so you should certainly not give up on planning your best trip with gusto. It is simply prudent and reduces anxiety to know almost everything logistics-wise about where you're going and what travel will entail and look like once you arrive.

Know Your Rights

If you're going to be traveling in the developed companies of the world, hopefully, you are aware that you have rights as a disabled person. Over 20 million people over the age of 18 have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs, making up 7.1% of non-institutionalized people with disabilities. Governments around the world have recognized this mass of people as having unique rights that shall not be infringed upon, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act and others in the European Union. By knowing these rights, and perhaps even having them printed out when you travel, you can avoid anyone who is actively trying to discriminate against you.

Consider Hiring an Inclusive Travel Agent

Believe it or not, there are folks out there who make their living helping people get full access to inclusive travel. Not only will they be able to recommend places in the world that you will enjoy, but they will be able to name specific hotels, restaurants, and other places where you will be able to never feel uncomfortable or out of your element again. Because they have the experience and have received feedback from other guests who have enjoyed their experiences, you'll know that it will be inclusive travel that would have been very difficult to plan yourself. Instead of shouldering the burden of planning everything yourself and having to worry about what could go wrong, outsource this to a travel agent that knows their stuff.

Have a Little Faith in People

Despite any setbacks that you may encounter in planning inclusive travel for yourself or someone else, it also helps to have a little faith in people. No matter where you go in the world, there is someone who will care about your situation and try to make accommodations, even if it is not legally required. It is perhaps a good situation to be constantly surprised by the kindness and generosity of strangers because it reminds us that the world need not be such a scary place after all. If you're confident that people will help out and be kind, then you will more than likely act the same in return.

Inclusive Travel is Possible with a Little Planning

There is no need to worry or fret when you're planning inclusive travel for yourself or a loved one. If you simply look ahead and try to mitigate for the worst possible scenarios, you'll be fighting the good fight and more than likely win the battle. From having a little faith in people to using a travel agent who can help you, there are lots of little steps you can take to make sure your trip is a wonderful one. Plan ahead with wheelchair parts and accessories from DME Hub today!