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Top 3 Travel Tips for People Who Use Wheelchairs

Top 3 Travel Tips for People Who Use Wheelchairs

Feb 17th 2020

If you use a wheelchair for mobility, you may be worried about traveling via airplane. Traveling via airplane is hard enough for a person with full mobility, so for a person with a wheelchair, it could be 10 times harder.
If you use a wheelchair for mobility, you may be worried about traveling via airplane. Traveling via airplane is hard enough for a person with full mobility, so for a person with a wheelchair, it could be 10 times harder. Even though it can be difficult to travel in a wheelchair, there are some helpful tips you should follow in order to have a successful trip. Here are the top three most useful travel tips for all wheelchair users.

Arrive Earlier Than Normal
Typically, airline passengers are required to arrive at the airport at least two hours before their boarding time. For someone with a wheelchair, it's always a good idea to add an extra hour on top of that. You don't want to arrive right on time and have to rush to get to your gate, so arriving early can help prevent that from happening. Since you will be using a wheelchair, it may take a bit longer to get through security. Security lines are usually long enough as it is, so you want to make sure that your erring on the side of caution time-wise. Just make sure that you're not wiping your wheelchair arm pads, wheelchair brakes, or wheelchair footrests with chemicals like furniture polish right before the flight, as they may flag for explosives in the security line. There are two million new wheelchair users in the United States every year, so airports are able to try their best to accommodate those in the chairs the best they can.

Find Wheelchair Repair Shops Close to Your Destination
If anything were to happen to your wheelchair while you are traveling around your destination, you want to make sure you are aware of places nearby that can fix it. Before getting on the plane, do your research and find reliable shops before you get to your destination. This can come in handy if you need a quick repair immediately, as you won't be scrambling to find the nearest shop. You'll already have it ready to go!

Remember the Voltage Change for International Travel
If you're going to be flying internationally and you have an electric wheelchair, you need to make sure you have the appropriate voltage converters and adapters. In the United States, the voltage is 100, but in many others countries, the voltage is at least 220 volts. If you don't have the appropriate converters or adapters, your electronics will not work in a foreign country's outlets. If you try to insert a plug into a foreign outlet, you are risking damage to your device.

Traveling can be hard enough, but when you add a wheelchair in the mix, it could be a little more difficult. However, the tips discussed here can help you plan a successful trip with your mobility limitations and wheelchair.