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Proper Care for Your Wheelchair

Proper Care for Your Wheelchair

Jul 30th 2020

Regular maintenance of your wheelchair is of paramount importance. If the chair is in optimum condition, fewer accidents are likely to occur.

Regular maintenance of your wheelchair is of paramount importance. If the chair is in optimum condition, fewer accidents are likely to occur. For those who are disabled, the wheelchair provides them with the freedom to move about, and experience a better quality of life. According to the Census Bureau, disability status through six types of questions measuring difficulty with hearing, vision, cognition, walking/climbing stairs, self-care, and independent living.

Keeping the Wheelchair Clean, Overall Inspection Imperative

Updated service of the chair includes keeping it clean, the inspection of your equipment as you clean it, checking the tires, and taking care of the wheelchair arm pads. Also ensure the screws are tight, and monitoring of positioning equipment. Tire pressure should be checked every month, as should the brakes. On your wheelchair should be an anti-tip system, and a quick-release mechanism, check to see these areas of the wheelchair are in tip-top condition. The alignment should also be in working. It affects directional control, as well as how the chair rides. In general, wheelchairs should last at least five years or more. The lifespan is contingent on how the chair is cared for and stored.

Replacement of Parts

When the times comes to repair your wheelchair, be sure to use original parts or parts that the manufacturer recommends. The wheelchair should also be cleaned after being exposed to salt or salt, as wheel bearings can become damaged. Any moving parts should be oiled should the chair be immovable. Wheelchair cushion care is essential. After all, it is cost-effective because it helps to avoid repairs, extends the life of the chair, thus preventing injuries. Wheelchair arm pads that are properly cared for provide comfort and support. It's an unavoidable circumstance of wheelchair users will experience some type of mishap. These accidents include tipping over, and if the chair suddenly malfunctions. Regular wheelchair inspection and maintenance cuts the probability of these accidents in half, so users can enjoy a more active lifestyle.

Wheelchair Arm Pad Care, Cushion Care

Cushions are a highly important component of the wheelchair. High-quality cushions, including wheelchair arm pads, are a catalyst for comfort for the user. Cushion deterioration contributes to developing a pressure ulcer. Should you decide to give the inspection, remove the cover so both the cover can be thoroughly inspected. Inspect the cushions for any holes or other damage, and replace them if you discover these flaws. The cover's job is to protect the cushion, so it needs to be replaced if the damage is incurred. Different types of cushions require different levels of maintenance. Cushions should be inflated properly, as well as looking over the valve, to ensure there isn't any leakage. Gel cushions should be kneaded, and rubber cushions can be easily patched with a kit.

Alignment and Brakes Help a Smoother Ride

Wheelchair alignment is how the rear wheels are parallel to one another, as well as parallel with the center of the wheelchair. A wheelchair should track well, as it can cause drifting, which in turn will cause the user to work harder pushing more with one arm. Users know how the wheelchair should feel. If there is any dragging, pulling, or wheels rubbing. A user should also listen for any squeaking or other noises with the tires that could indicate damage. Brakes should be checked often as well, as they provide stability for the wheelchair while the chair moves over different surfaces. Brakes should be secured tightly to the chair frame, as well, the lock needs to be able to hold the tires in place. Brakes shouldn't interfere with movement at all, which can cause unneeded wear and tear. Checking the breaks, as well as the alignment, should be done every month.

For a wheelchair to work at maximum capacity, regular inspections, updating equipment and ensuring that cushions and wheelchair arm pads are regularly replaced will ensure that your chair continues at peak performance.