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Make Your Wheelchair More Comfortable With These 3 Practical Tips

Make Your Wheelchair More Comfortable With These 3 Practical Tips

Feb 17th 2020

There are 2 million new wheelchair users in the United States every year. Wheelchairs are incredibly useful when it comes to accommodating people with limited mobility. Of course, not all wheelchairs are made the same, and the same can be said about the individuals who use them. For this reason, it can be beneficial to take time to customize your wheelchair to suit your personal comfort level. Here are just a few ways you can make your wheelchair more comfortable during daily use.
There are 2 million new wheelchair users in the United States every year. Wheelchairs are incredibly useful when it comes to accommodating people with limited mobility. Of course, not all wheelchairs are made the same, and the same can be said about the individuals who use them. For this reason, it can be beneficial to take time to customize your wheelchair to suit your personal comfort level. Here are just a few ways you can make your wheelchair more comfortable during daily use.

Prioritize Lumbar Support
First, it should come as no surprise that your lumbar support is one of the biggest factors of overall wheelchair comfort. If your back isn't properly supported, nothing else you do will feel comfortable. Try experimenting with various forms of lumbar support like a rolled up towel. Or, invest in an attachment designed to provide additional support.

Avoid Bulky Clothes
This may seem counterintuitive, since bulky clothes can sometimes provide an extra layer of comfort between the user and the device. Still, most experts agree that wearing clothes that are too tight or too bulky can impede comfort. For this reason, you should avoid wearing big sweaters, extra thick jackets, or any piece of clothing that has a lot of material. If you easily get cold, try to find warmer clothes that are made of thin fabric and not fluffy. Again, it's all about finding the right balance, since you don't want your clothes to be too tight, either.

Don't Neglect Arm Placement
Finally, it's important to keep in mind that your arm placement can significantly affect your comfort level throughout the day. With that in mind, it's certainly worthwhile to invest in cushioned wheelchair arm pads that provide additional support. Without them, you risk putting extra pressure on your elbows, especially when getting in and out of the chair and repositioning yourself throughout the day. Wheelchair arm pads come in various materials, so do some research and see what feels best.

From 2010 to 2016, the U.S. civilian population showed an increase from 11.9% to 12.8% in people with disabilities. Whether you use a wheelchair or any other type of mobility device, understanding how to use it efficiently can help keep you comfortable throughout each day. For more information about mobility accessories such as wheelchair calf straps, contact DME Hub LLC.