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How To Stay Fit And Active In A Wheelchair

How To Stay Fit And Active In A Wheelchair

Feb 17th 2020

Living with limited mobility can make life a lot harder than it already is. It can be easy to slip into a life of inactivity and unhealthiness because movement is so much more difficult or painful. However, this sedentary lifestyle can actually make your discomfort much worse, forcing you to rely on others to do the most basic of tasks. The best way to empower yourself is to establish a fitness routine that works for you and commit to it. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

Living with limited mobility can make life a lot harder than it already is. It can be easy to slip into a life of inactivity and unhealthiness because movement is so much more difficult or painful. However, this sedentary lifestyle can actually make your discomfort much worse, forcing you to rely on others to do the most basic of tasks. The best way to empower yourself is to establish a fitness routine that works for you and commit to it. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

Find Your Limits

It can be easy to slip into the mentality that some things are just impossible for those living in wheelchairs, but every person is different. Talk to your doctor at length about what you in your situation can achieve -- you'll be surprised at just how much it is! In addition to offering advice regarding your health, doctors can point you in the direction of activities that may be best suited to your personal needs. The strength in your arms and shoulders is vital to your everyday movements, but that doesn't mean your legs can't be stimulated as well -- there are machines that do this manually to keep the muscles from atrophying and the blood flow circulating healthily.

Stick To It!

Once you have an idea or a routine in mind, commit! It will be hard -- you're going to need to work twice as hard to get half as far as able-bodied people -- but you'll notice the results within no time. Whether you decide to join a gym or a sports league (there are a ton of them out there!), staying active has a positive impact on your day-to-day life. You may need to stock up on wheelchair rim grip tape however, especially if you end up running 5k and 10k marathons!

It's been found that around 38.9% of people over the age of 18 who have disabilities are obese; though it may be exceptionally difficult, especially in the beginning, the best way to become self-reliant is to lead a more active lifestyle. With the right supplies (wheelchair rim grip tape, anyone?), the right motivations, and the right information, you'll be on your way! Try out the suggestions above and watch as you become stronger, healthier, and happier.