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How to Perform Basic Wheelchair Maintenance

How to Perform Basic Wheelchair Maintenance

Aug 24th 2021

Whether you're worried about your wheelchair inner tubes or your wheelchair side guards, it's important to perform maintenance on a regular basis to make sure everything is working like it's supposed to.

Whether you're worried about your wheelchair inner tube or your wheelchair side guards, it's important to perform maintenance on a regular basis to make sure everything is working like it's supposed to. Considering that there are almost 3.6 million people in the U.S. using wheelchairs, knowing how to perform basic maintenance is key. Here are a few tips to help you out.

Have a Basic List of Wheelchair Parts That Need Maintenance

When it comes to maintenance for folding wheelchairs, having a list of parts to check up on is incredibly helpful. Running through your list will give you a better idea of how your wheelchair is built. In addition, it will help you create a maintenance routine for your wheelchair. Here is a short, basic list of wheelchair parts to check up on for maintenance.

  • Wheel Locks
  • Brakes
  • Front Wheels
  • Tires
  • Wheelchair Inner Tubes
  • Arms
  • Back Support
  • Wheelchair Seat
  • Chair Frame
  • Wheelchair Footrests
  • Leg Rests

Moving through this list of wheelchair parts can help you perform regular checks to make sure everything is maintained properly. If you can check off everything on this list, you're good to go.

Check Most Items on a Weekly Basis

If you're using your wheelchair heavily on a daily basis, it's a good idea to set up a weekly time to check certain parts. This will give you ample time to make repairs should something be amiss while you run through your wheelchair maintenance checklist that we covered earlier. Brakes and wheel locks, for instance, are great pieces of equipment to check on a weekly basis. These are important tools that have a direct impact on your mobility. Brakes and wheel locks are too important to be examined on a monthly basis. Your wheels should be checked on a weekly basis for wear and tear, as well.

Cleaning Is Part of Maintaining Your Wheelchair

Like it or not, cleaning your wheelchair is an essential task. It counts as maintenance! If you're using your wheelchair outdoors or in a particularly dirty area, it's important to at least give it a good wipe down when you come home at the end of the day. At the very least, you should be cleaning your wheelchair, including the frame, wheels, and seat, on a weekly basis. ?Using a clean wheelchair is not only healthier for you, but it can help you feel great about getting around.

From your wheelchair inner tubes to your wheelchair seat, maintenance is crucial to ensure you have 100% mobility. When you take these simple steps, you'll be extending the life of your wheelchair and making a world of difference in your mobility.