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How to Maintain an Active Lifestyle for Wheelchair Users

How to Maintain an Active Lifestyle for Wheelchair Users

Feb 17th 2020

Maintaining an active lifestyle is important for everyone. Getting out and doing a physical activity significantly boosts your overall health. When you are in a wheelchair it can be much more difficult to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. Whether you are looking for fresh air or adventure, there are many activities available to people with limited mobility.
Maintaining an active lifestyle is important for everyone. Getting out and doing a physical activity significantly boosts your overall health. When you are in a wheelchair it can be much more difficult to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. Whether you are looking for fresh air or adventure, there are many activities available to people with limited mobility.

The number of people who use wheelchairs in the United States grows by 2 million every year. Those who use wheelchairs and are looking to lead a more active lifestyle can do many activities whether its outdoor adventuring, team sports, or exciting inclusive travel excursions. For some people, with a couple of minor wheelchair modifications, everything can be made accessible.

When it comes to the outdoors you can pretty much count on the fact that you will be able to find accessible walkways and paths at your disposal. You may even find a relatively well-maintained hiking trail. If you want to do more trail-based hiking, you may need to get off road wheelchair tires. By investing in off road tires for wheelchairs you expand upon the kinds of spaces you can explore outside and become self-reliant.

You can also explore local adapted sports teams. Adapted sports activities, like basketball and tennis, allow you to keep active in a socially enriched environment. Within adapted sports, you can participate in anything from a casual game here or there to competitive teams.

You may want to try swimming as a healthy physical activity. Many people enjoy the feeling of being in the water, weightless and unrestricted. If needed you can use flotation devices to make swimming a more accessible sport.

If your active lifestyle takes you to exciting places, you can find inclusive excursions, which can include activities as exciting as zip lining and sky diving.

Some activities aren't as physically demanding as off road hiking or adapted sports. An active lifestyle can be a therapeutic activity like fishing or gardening, which are excellent ways to relieve stress. Maintaining an active lifestyle doesn't have to be work, and actually, it shouldn't be. Get out and go have some fun!