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How to Clean Different Types of Wheelchair Cushions

How to Clean Different Types of Wheelchair Cushions

Feb 17th 2020

Does your high performance wheelchair have dust, dander, mold, or any debris? Such dirt and stains on your wheelchair cushions and covers give them a bad look. It may also lead to illness, allergies, and eye and nasal infections.
Does your high performance wheelchair have dust, dander, mold, or any debris? Such dirt and stains on your wheelchair cushions and covers give them a bad look. It may also lead to illness, allergies, and eye and nasal infections. As such, you should inspect and clean your performance wheelchair cushions well. This article presents to you insightful tips on how to clean your wheelchair cushions and other parts of wheelchairs that are rigid.

What's the Purpose of Wheelchair Cushions?

Wheelchair cushions are designed to assist you in controlling your posture and body position while in the wheelchair. These cushions also help in reducing the risk of skin breakdown and pressure ulcers. Proper wheelchair use may prolong the lifespan of your high performance wheelchair cushions.

How Do You Clean Your High Performance Wheelchair Cushions?

Inspecting and cleaning the wheelchair cushion covers of your wheelchair is a necessary and straightforward routine. It's preferable to do such cleaning every week to keep your cushions fresh and clean. You should gently remove your cushions and uncover their Velcro closures or zippers. You can hand wash your pillows or clean them by using a washing machine. You can use cold or warm water and some detergent. A gentle cycle of washing is better, but you should avoid using bleach on your cushion covers. Air tumble drying is preferable because it will reduce heat damage on your cushions. You should avoid commercial dryers where possible because their high level of heat can cause cushion cover material damage. The way you clean your cushions varies depending on the type of material used in cleaning. If you have no clue how to clean your cushions, then you should consult the manual provided by your high performance wheelchair cushion maker.

When Cleaning Your Cushions, Don't Forget To Clean the Sitting Area Under Them

Once you've removed the cushion from your wheelchair, you should inspect the area underneath it. You can take a good look under the cushion and brush of any dirt and debris.

Tips on How to Clean Different Kinds of Cushions

Honeycomb or flexible matrix cushions: These cushions are easy to clean, and they can be machine-washed and tumble dried.

Air cushions: These cushions contain air, and before cleaning them, you should close the air valve. After washing and rinsing your air cushion you can either use vinegar or baking soda to deodorize the cushion. You can air-dry such cushions. But you should never clean your air cushions in a washing machine or dry them in a drier

Gel and fluid-filled cushions: You shouldn't wash these cushions in a washing machine or dry them in a drier. You should clean them by using water and soap. You should then air dry them. Closed or coated cell foam cushions: Such cushions often have some removable components, and if there are any, then you should mark their positions and remove them to clean under them. You should then rinse them and dry them with a towel.

Open-cell foam cushions: Such cushions often get some easy liquid damage when cleaned by water. Their covers are water-tight, and they can protect the foam from moisture.

What Should You Do When Your Foam Gets Wet?

  • Do not sit on wet cushions.
  • Lay some cornstarch on the wet area to dry it. This starch often absorbs the liquid, and it can increase the speed of drying your cushions.
  • When the cushion area dries up, you should inspect the foam and brush it off.
You should note the proper position of the cushions before removing them and ensure that you return them to their correct location after finishing your cleaning process. But you have to first assemble the cover and any other high performance wheelchair cushion components.