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How Disabilities Are Defined And Categorized

How Disabilities Are Defined And Categorized

Mar 2nd 2022

A disability is defined as a condition or function that is impaired when compared with the usual standard of that function or condition. There are many different types of disabilites including ones that cause limited mobility.

A disability is defined as a condition or function that is impaired when compared with the usual standard of that function or condition. It refers to individual functioning, which includes physical impairment, sensory impairment, cognitive impairment, intellectual impairment, mental illness, and various types of chronic disease. According to the Census Bureau, there are six types of questions asked to determine disability. They measure difficulties with hearing, vision, cognition, walking/climbing stairs, self-care, and independent living. Continue reading to find out more about classifications of disabilities.

Mobility and Physical Impairments

This category includes those with limited mobility and varying types of physically disabling conditions. For example, this could include manual dexterity, limited mobility in upper limbs, limited mobility in lower limbs, or an effect of another disease.

Spinal Cord Disability

A spinal cord injury typically leads to a long term disability. This is typically the result of a severe injury or accident. A complete spinal cord injury is one where there has been a complete dis-functioning of the sensory organs. An incomplete spinal cord injury means there are messages coming from the spinal cord. A spinal cord injury can also be a congenital disability.

Head Injuries

Head injuries often lead to brain injuries, which cause a disability of the brain. There is a wide range of magnitudes related to brain injury. They can be mild, moderate, or severe. There are two different types of brain injuries. There is an acquired brain injury (ABI) and a traumatic brain injury (TBI). While an ABI is not hereditary, it is degeneration that occurs after birth. Often it is a result of an external force being applied to the body. A TBI tends to cause behavioral concerns and emotional dysfunction.

Learning Disabilities

Cognitive disabilities are impairments such as dyslexia and various other learning difficulties and include speech disorders.

Psychological Disabilities

These include disorders that are related to mental health impairment and may include personality disorders, affective disorders, and schizophrenia.

These are just a few of the classifications of disabilities and how they may impact individuals. Each person is different, and disabilities may exhibit themselves in different ways for different people. There is more to learn about disability classification. Please consult a professional if you think you are being impacted by one of these or another disabling condition.