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Helpful Wheelchair Tips for New Users

Helpful Wheelchair Tips for New Users

Feb 17th 2020

If you've recently been placed in a wheelchair, you might not know how to handle everything quite yet. Chances are this whole wheelchair accessibility thing is a new experience, so it's totally fine that you may be a little unsure of how to live with it. So for all of the new wheelchair users out there, and people who are in the market to buy one for the first time, here are some tips for you.
If you've recently been placed in a wheelchair, you might not know how to handle everything quite yet. Chances are this whole wheelchair accessibility thing is a new experience, so it's totally fine that you may be a little unsure of how to live with it. So for all of the new wheelchair users out there, and people who are in the market to buy one for the first time, here are some tips for you.

Think About Your Surroundings
Before making a purchase on your new wheelchair, think about your environment. Consider the weather conditions that surround your area. If you're out in a snowstorm and your new wheelchair gets stuck, you're going to have to pay to have it fixed up. Imagine your wheelchair is like a car, truck, or SUV. How do those operate in your climate? The same mindset should be applied to your new form of accessibility.

Begin Weight Training
If you decide to buy a manual wheelchair, you're going to need to self-power the wheelchair tires by rolling them with your hands and arms. Without upper body strength, this task might be very hard to accomplish. Get to the gym and work with a trainer on weight training. They'll be able to help you strengthen your muscles so you can roll all day long.

Don't Drink a Lot of Alcohol
Alcohol has been known to cause weight gain, which can make mobility difficult in a wheelchair. Consider altering your alcoholic beverage choices. Sure, it's okay to have a glass of wine or a beer now and then, but don't sit in your chair chugging drinks. It'll only make things worse for you in the long run. In 2016, about 38.9% of people 18 years and older with disabilities were obese, so do what you can to avoid that from happening.

As a new wheelchair user, the new life of accessibility that you're now living may be overwhelming. You may not know exactly how to handle living in a wheelchair, but by following the tips listed above, it is possible to lead a happy and healthy life.