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Helpful Flying Tips for Wheelchair Users

Helpful Flying Tips for Wheelchair Users

Feb 17th 2020

If you're used to frequently flying, you know how much of a pain it can be. People are always rushing to the gate to be the first to board and trying to get off the plane before everyone else.
If you're used to frequently flying, you know how much of a pain it can be. People are always rushing to the gate to be the first to board and trying to get off the plane before everyone else.
If you're used to frequently flying, you know how much of a pain it can be. People are always rushing to the gate to be the first to board and trying to get off the plane before everyone else.

Flying can be 10 times harder if you're in a wheelchair but really want to maintain your active lifestyle. Here are some helpful flying hints to make the process a lot smoother.

If you have a manual wheelchair, talk with the airport staff prior to your arrival and ask that you stay in your chair until you board. This will ensure you're able to maintain your active lifestyle, go to the bathroom, get food, be self-reliant, and navigate the airport terminal. Tell them that you can transfer into an airport aisle chair once you reach the gate. There are two million new wheelchair users in the United States every year, so the staff should be able to accommodate this request.

If you have a power chair it will need to be left at check-in and loaded onto the plan. The airport staff will then transfer you to an airport manual chair. Make sure to take everything out of your power chair that you may need during the flight, as you won't see it until after you land.

While On the Plane
Since mobility and using the restroom isn't going to be easy during the flight, do your best to avoid fizzy drinks and heavy, greasy foods. Stay away from alcohol as well. Of course, it's still important to stay hydrated, so continue to drink water while up in the air.

Your seat on the plane will be in a separate, distinct aisle. But just because your chair is in a special aisle doesn't mean it's going to be any more comfortable than any other seat. If you have lower back pain, you can bring a cushion with you to sit on to make the ride a lot more comfortable.

If you would feel more comfortable in a completely different section of the plane that has a little more room for you to relax in, you'll have to upgrade your ticket out of your own pocket. Most airlines don't comp tickets for wheelchair user upgrades, but you can see if they have any deals or discounts available.

Flying can be a pain, especially if you're in a wheelchair. But if you come prepared and stay away from things that may upset your stomach, you can keep up with your active lifestyle and fly anywhere in the world.