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Everything You Need To Know About Wheelchair Guards

Everything You Need To Know About Wheelchair Guards

Feb 17th 2020

Disabilities can make life extremely difficult: accessibility limits the number of places you can go and things you can do, and it has been proven that people with disabilities earn 70% less annually than those without. Life can be frustrating enough without needing to worry about your clothes getting caught in the wheels. Unfortunately, that's just another aspect of being wheelchair-bound. However, just like most other aspects, there are ways to cope and get around such obstacles.
Disabilities can make life extremely difficult: accessibility limits the number of places you can go and things you can do, and it has been proven that people with disabilities earn 70% less annually than those without. Life can be frustrating enough without needing to worry about your clothes getting caught in the wheels. Unfortunately, that's just another aspect of being wheelchair-bound. However, just like most other aspects, there are ways to cope and get around such obstacles.

Side guards for wheelchairs perform multiple purposes: they keep your wheels (and the mechanisms that actually turn them) and clothing safe from any debris that may get kicked up during your daily movements. They are especially beneficial if you're using a power chair due the highly technical nature of their movement mechanisms, and can contribute to a more active lifestyle since wheelchair side guards can protect you from dirt and rocks.

While the benefits of installing side guards for wheelchairs include keeping the freedom to wear whatever you'd like, no matter how loose and flowy, they do come with some drawbacks. Firstly, some wheelchairs -- especially if they're old or outdated -- simply aren't equipped to handle them and can become unwieldy or unbalanced as a result; the guards may need to be removed entirely in order to fold the chair. Additionally, they can add weight to the frame, making movement much more difficult. If you find yourself struggling to attach or remove your side guards for wheelchairs and do not have an able-bodied person to help you, you may not be able to use them.

However, there are plenty of other ways to keep your wheelchair -- and your clothing -- safe from harm. If you are careful enough and pay close attention to where and how you're moving, you can avoid most problems. Planning your excursions far in advance can also help prevent wear and tear on your chair; for example, check the weather for any chances of rain or storms as those can lead to muddy puddles and unsafe conditions. If you only need your wheelchair some of the time, be sure not to let anyone else borrow it, as they may not care for it with the same level of love as you do.