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Don't Ignore Your Pain Or It Could Become Chronic

Don't Ignore Your Pain Or It Could Become Chronic

Feb 17th 2020

With approximately 50% of all Americans suffering from chronic pain (defined as lasting more than three months), it can be shocking to hear that much of that agony could have been prevented with early intervention. A recent article posted on PR Newswire addresses the stages of pain, specifically the subacute phase between the second and third months which changes the mind as much as the body, and why interrupting them can stop pain from ever becoming chronic to begin with.

With approximately 50% of all Americans suffering from chronic pain (defined as lasting more than three months), it can be shocking to hear that much of that agony could have been prevented with early intervention. A recent article posted on PR Newswire addresses the stages of pain, specifically the subacute phase between the second and third months which changes the mind as much as the body, and why interrupting them can stop pain from ever becoming chronic to begin with.

Don't Let Your Pain Become Chronic

When you think about it, there is no "getting used" to the constant presence of physical pain. Whether from lower back injuries or simple repetitive motions, chronic pain changes the way you think and live your day-to-day life. By treating the source within that critical two to three month window, you can improve your quality of life and prevent your torment from becoming chronic. So, essentially: don't wait to seek medical assistance. Don't just take some over the counter painkillers and hope that, with a few days rest, you'll be feeling fine. With chronic pain being the number one cause of disability in this country, and with those who have disabilities earning around 70% less annually than those without, the consequences go far beyond the management of your pain.

Additionally, doctors have adopted a new mindset towards those who have already missed that window and are currently living with chronic pain -- rather than bed rest and narcotics, a push for gentle exercise (such as yoga and musculoskeletal manipulation) and cognitive behavioral therapy, which can change the way you view your pain, has become the norm.

The Benefits Outweight The Costs

These physical and mental therapies can improve your mobility and make you more self-reliant, giving you a more active lifestyle -- even those in wheelchairs can benefit from having their rarely-used muscles stretched and massaged. These tools equip anyone suffering from chronic pain with a way to get a little of their power back while simultaneously unburdening themselves of that physical and mental weight.

Lower back injuries and injuries sustained from working too hard in your yard or at work will be no more than a nuisance to you if you seek medical assistance as soon as possible and follow the regimented plan -- and those already living with chronic pain can see an improvement in their lives from their own routine.