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Catch the Noticeable Signs That Indicate It's Time to Replace Wheelchair Bearings

Catch the Noticeable Signs That Indicate It's Time to Replace Wheelchair Bearings

Jul 14th 2021

Wondering what the signs are that it is time to replace bearings for wheelchairs? Here's what to look for.

Today 98% of public transportation, such as buses, are more suitably equipped for people using wheelchairs. That's a welcome relief with more wheelchair users in the United States every year. With a society that is more mobile than ever, it stands to reason that maintenance and basic care are both vital when it comes to using a folding wheelchair or performance wheelchair.

Visibly, the wheelchair wheels seem to be the most vital parts of the unit, and they are very important. However, the wheels can become harder to use and even become useless without proper care. Bearings for wheelchairs hold the components such as the castors together for the wheels.

This makes the bearings extremely important when it comes to maintenance. Rusted or worn bearings will make mobility increasingly difficult and almost impossible. Below are signs that it is time to replace bearings for wheelchairs.

Your Wheelchair Is Less Agile

It can be a difficult feat trying to maneuver a wheelchair using just your upper body. Once you've mastered it, it's much easier to be mobile. Even after your body has adjusted to the extra effort, it can be difficult to maneuver over time. If it becomes harder to turn tight corners or handle different types of terrain, your wheelchair bearings could be breaking down.

It's Harder to Push Your Wheelchair

Who knows your wheelchair better than you? That's right, no one. Has your daily routine become much harder and more arduous even though your habits haven't changed? Bearings for wheelchairs have a lifespan and it could be that your bearings have reached their end.

There Are Audible Groans and Squeaks

Anytime you hear squeaks and groans, chances are your mobility is about to be limited. That dying cat sound usually comes from the wheels and more than likely bearings that are no longer functioning properly. Bearings for wheelchairs play an imperative role in the health and function of your wheelchair. When screeching sounds are emitted, that's your chair telling you it is time for repairs.

You Notice Broken Bearings

Broken bearings are very noticeable. Bearings for wheelchairs that have crumbled need to be replaced as soon as possible so you don't suffer from limited mobility. This can happen if your chair has been subjected to mobile abuse. Quick bearing replacements are possible when you use the services of caring companies that sell medical parts online.

How Often Should Bearings Be Serviced or Replaced?

It is a good idea to service wheelchair bearings once a year. One of the main reasons is due to water. It is not your friend when it comes to mobility. Water seeps into bearings and can make them rust. Not only does this make your chair harder to maneuver and push, but it will also eventually leave you immobile.

Wheelchairs require service to remain in ideal condition. This can include cleaning debris from around forks or casters. It also means lubricating or regressing the bearings. When bearings no longer roll properly, replace them.

New Bearings Provide a Smoother Experience

Fluttering wheels, wobbling, and tracking issues are also signs that your wheelchair needs new bearings. Don't let panic set in. Replacement bearings are easy to obtain when you use the services of companies that sell wheelchair parts online. New parts will provide a significant improvement in the overall performance of your chair giving you the smooth ride you prefer.

If you are unsure which bearings you need, the answers are just a phone call away. Contact product consultants that are more than happy to help identify the problem and help you order the correct bearings. Product specialists from a preferred wheelchair supplier are always ready to assist you and get your order placed for quick delivery.