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Things To Consider When Buying a Foldable Wheelchair

Things To Consider When Buying a Foldable Wheelchair

Oct 16th 2023

Not every foldable wheelchair is perfect for every user. There are several things you need to consider when buying a wheelchair to make the best decision. Wheelchairs are undoubtedly a vital mobility tool for millions of people worldwide. But as much as we appreciate their versatility and …
How To Prepare Your Wheelchair for Winter

How To Prepare Your Wheelchair for Winter

Oct 6th 2023

As winter approaches, it's essential to know how to prepare your wheelchair for the colder months. Not only will this ensure your safety and comfort, but it'll also guarantee your wheelchair's longevity. Don't let winter wreak havoc. Use our simple guide with essential tips for getting your wheelcha …
What To Look For When Choosing the Right Wheelchair Tires

What To Look For When Choosing the Right Wheelchair Tires

Sep 14th 2023

Having comfortable, durable, and reliable wheelchair tires is a must. Here is what you should look for when choosing the right wheelchair tires.When you spend a significant amount of time using a wheelchair, investing in the right components can ensure a comfortable ride. Two essential components of …