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Wheelchair Components That You Might Need To Replace

Wheelchair Components That You Might Need To Replace

Mar 4th 2024

When you maintain your wheelchair, you gain a safer, more comfortable mobility aid. One of the most important aspects of maintenance is knowing which wheelchair components you might need to replace. From brakes and wheels to armrests, we’ll cover the parts you need to replace to maintain your safety …
Swivel vs. Fixed Wheelchair Casters: Which To Choose?

Swivel vs. Fixed Wheelchair Casters: Which To Choose?

Feb 20th 2024

A wheelchair is an extension of yourself, and the equipment you use directly impacts your mobility. One decision you must make for your wheelchair is the type of caster it has. Which should you choose, swivel or fixed wheelchair casters? In this guide, learn what each type of cater is, the …
5 Wheelchair-Friendly Outdoor Activities

5 Wheelchair-Friendly Outdoor Activities

Feb 6th 2024

The love of adventure doesn’t stop at the door for many wheelchair users. However, too often the beautiful and vast outdoors can feel like it’s just beyond reach. Thankfully, with accessible attractions and some creative ideas, a vibrant world of outdoor activities is waiting for you to discover it. …