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How Long Will Airless Wheelchair Tires Last?

How Long Will Airless Wheelchair Tires Last?

Apr 2nd 2024

For wheelchair users, the foundation of their mobility starts with their choice of tires. Airless wheelchair tires are among the best options due to their high durability, consistent performance, and puncture resistance. However, one of the most common concerns for wheelchair users is how long airle …
Supplies for Keeping Your Wheelchair in Top Condition

Supplies for Keeping Your Wheelchair in Top Condition

Mar 22nd 2024

Just as you take responsibility for your health by visiting your doctor for check-ups and preventative care, you also need to provide your wheelchair with regular attention. This responsibility involves using the right supplies to keep your wheelchair in top condition. To ensure you have every …
The Advantages of Using a Folding Wheelchair on Flights

The Advantages of Using a Folding Wheelchair on Flights

Mar 13th 2024

Are you planning your next vacation, but you’re worried about your wheelchair? While airports are making accessible travel more accommodating, you still want to make your journey as easy as possible for yourself. One way to make your travel experience in a wheelchair less stressful is with a foldabl …