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4 Popular Sports That Are Played From a Wheelchair

4 Popular Sports That Are Played From a Wheelchair

Feb 17th 2020

Just because your mobility is limited to a wheelchair doesn't mean you have to give up your active lifestyle. Wheelchair sports are very popular throughout the disabled community, and para-athletics becomes more popular with each passing year. In fact, there are now a number of sports that can only …
Tips for Using Your Wheelchair Outdoors

Tips for Using Your Wheelchair Outdoors

Feb 17th 2020

Maintaining an active lifestyle while relying on a wheelchair might not seem doable. But in reality, people in wheelchairs can move around just as well as people without limited mobility. When it comes to using your wheelchair outdoors, it's definitely possible but you have to take a few precautions …
Important Tips for Properly Maintaining Your Manual Wheelchair

Important Tips for Properly Maintaining Your Manual Wheelchair

Feb 17th 2020

Wheelchairs are an important tool for many people across the United States. In fact, about 36 million people in the United States over the age of 15 use a wheelchair. Because wheelchairs are used by so many people, it's crucial to make sure they're properly taken care of. Do you own a wheelchair? …