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Brakes and Casters: How They Ensure Safety and Control

Brakes and Casters: How They Ensure Safety and Control

May 7th 2024

The last thing you need is to feel like you’re literally losing control when zipping through daily life in a wheelchair. However, you can feel confident and safe with the right gear. Brakes and casters ensure your safety and control, keeping you in the driver’s seat. Let’s explore how these seemingl …
How Cushion Covers Keep Your Wheelchair Clean

How Cushion Covers Keep Your Wheelchair Clean

Apr 25th 2024

Wheelchair users know all too well the daily battle against grit, grime, and the elements that can turn an essential piece of mobility equipment into a germ hotspot. The cushion cover you sit on is an important element that keeps your chair hygienic. See how cushion covers keep your wheelchair clean …
Wheelchair Lock Mechanisms: Safety in Unexpected Situations

Wheelchair Lock Mechanisms: Safety in Unexpected Situations

Apr 10th 2024

Wheelchair lock mechanisms aren’t just optional add-ons; they’re pivotal in ensuring safety and stability for wheelchair users. Whether you’re navigating over rough terrain or encountering unexpected barriers, wheelchair lock mechanisms provide safety in unexpected situations. Knowing the importance …