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Tips For International Travel While in a Wheelchair

Tips For International Travel While in a Wheelchair

Feb 17th 2020

Traveling across international waters doesn't have to be reserved for only the able bodied. After all, there are nearly 2 million new wheelchair users every year. But anyone, no matter their disability, should be able to explore and appreciate everything the world has to offer. However, this doesn't …
Folded Vs. Rigid Wheelchair: 3 Things to Consider

Folded Vs. Rigid Wheelchair: 3 Things to Consider

Feb 17th 2020

If you see your wheelchair as an extension of yourself, then chances are you're always on the lookout for a way to ensure that your wheelchair is meeting all of the needs that may arise in your lifestyle. One of the common questions that come up most frequently is Folding Vs. Rigid Wheelchair. Today …
7 Essential Folding Wheelchair Accessories for Better Mobility

7 Essential Folding Wheelchair Accessories for Better Mobility

Feb 17th 2020

There are many people with disabilities across the globe. Approximately 20% of the poorest people across the world have some form of disability. Disabled people have different mobility needs depending on the nature of their limitations. Some disabled people may use crutches, walking sticks, and whee …