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3 Tips for Wheelchair Users to Use in Inclusive Travel

3 Tips for Wheelchair Users to Use in Inclusive Travel

Apr 22nd 2021

Here are a few important tips that can help you cultivate an inclusive travel experience while in your wheelchair.One of the toughest things about being a wheelchair user is finding inclusive travel opportunities. If you're nervous about traveling in a wheelchair, there's no need to worry. Here are …
Guide To Wheelchairs That Fold & The Best Candidates For Them

Guide To Wheelchairs That Fold & The Best Candidates For Them

Mar 23rd 2021

There are approximately two million new wheelchair users in America every year. Did you know that there are some distinct advantages to wheelchairs that fold? Let's examine the benefits of investing in wheelchairs that fold compared to those that don't. There are approximately two million new wheel …
Understanding the Importance of Wheelchair Bearings

Understanding the Importance of Wheelchair Bearings

Mar 23rd 2021

Wheelchair bearings are a vital component of a wheelchair. Let's examine their benefits and come to understand why they're a necessity for successful mobility. According to statistics, there are approximately 3.6 million people who are over the age of 15 that utilize a wheelchair for mobility. Whee …