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How Manual Wheelchairs Have Changed Over Time

How Manual Wheelchairs Have Changed Over Time

Jun 9th 2023

With innovations for improved mobility, manual wheelchairs have changed a lot over time. Discover how the evolution of these chairs transformed lives!From their humble beginnings as simple wooden chairs with wheels to today's sleek, lightweight designs, manual wheelchairs have come a long way in pro …
Why Airless Wheelchair Tires Are Better Than Air Tires

Why Airless Wheelchair Tires Are Better Than Air Tires

May 30th 2023

Enhance the mobility of your wheelchair by learning why airless wheelchair tires are better than air tires. Experience a smoother ride with airless tires! If you're in the market for wheelchair tires, you'll likely encounter two options: pneumatic (air-filled) and solid (airless) tires. Each …
The Different Types of Wheelchair Casters

The Different Types of Wheelchair Casters

May 30th 2023

Look at this list of the different types of wheelchair casters to learn how you can update your chair's performance and appearance at any point. After buying a wheelchair, you can still make upgrades using replacement parts. Two of the areas that you can customize are each of the front caste …