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7 Essential Folding Wheelchair Accessories for Better Mobility

7 Essential Folding Wheelchair Accessories for Better Mobility

Feb 17th 2020

There are many people with disabilities across the globe. Approximately 20% of the poorest people across the world have some form of disability. Disabled people have different mobility needs depending on the nature of their limitations. Some disabled people may use crutches, walking sticks, and wheelchairs to move around. But wheelchairs are the most common kind of mobility equipment that disabled people need.

There are many people with disabilities across the globe. Approximately 20% of the poorest people across the world have some form of disability. Disabled people have different mobility needs depending on the nature of their limitations. Some disabled people may use crutches, walking sticks, and wheelchairs to move around. But wheelchairs are the most common kind of mobility equipment that disabled people need.

The diverse nature of disabilities elicits the need for different models of wheelchairs that fit specific client needs. The folding wheelchair is by far the most popular because of the convenience that it offers. Folding wheelchairs are collapsible, lightweight, and easy to carry. Like most wheelchairs, the folding wheelchairs come with various accessories that help in improving their performance. This article reviews the nature and use of essential wheelchair accessories.

  • Cushions
    Folding wheelchair users need to seat in a comfortable position. An ideal cushion enables you to sit upright and in a comfortable position. A slouched posture of sitting may harm your back, and it's not suitable for wheelchair users with back problems. The comfort of an excellent pressure-relief cushion allows the wheelchair user to use the chair for long without experiencing muscle or pressure sores.

  • Wheelchair footrests Footrests allow you to stretch your feet out when resting on a wheelchair. These accessories support your leg whenever you need to elevate it to a higher position. Foot stretching and elevation allows you to position yourself in a comfortable posture. The footrests are common in folding wheelchairs with a reclining backrest. Footrest platforms are either removable or fixed. Removable ones are ideal for users that take elevators or pass through tight spaces. The footrests can have a single platform or a double platform.

  • Push rims
    Push rims are accessories that allow the folding wheelchair user to push or drive the wheelchair by hand. These rims get made from different materials, including titanium, steel, and Aluminum. The rims are rubber or plastic-coated to improve the grip of the user on the rim. Some push rims come with bars that allow users with limited hand mobility to use the rims with ease.

  • Spokes
    Unlike the light plastic wheels, spoke wheels get made from spaced out wheel-centers with Aluminum spokes. The spokes make the wheels light, and they improve the wheels' abilities to take the pressure and bumping from rough terrain. Straight spokes are preferable because they improve rigidity, but the crossed radial spokes provide a better suspension and a sturdy frame.

  • Armrests
    Armrests provide a place where a folding wheelchair user can place their hands for improved comfort. The armrests can be removable or fixed. Some of them may even fold backward. These armrests have different kinds of padding and lengths, and their height is adjustable.

  • Postural support devices
    All folding wheelchairs offer mobility, postural, and seating support. Comprehensive postural support is necessary for people with backbone, spine, and neck problems. The armrests, backrests, footrests, and cushions provide postural support to the user.

  • Mobility ramps
    Sometimes, you may need to move up a staircase or an inclined plane on a building without an elevator. In such cases, the use of a mobility ramp becomes necessary, especially; if the inclined plane is rough or if your wheelchair can't move up the stairs with ease. The slopes help you in tackling the changes in ground levels. Portable ramps can also help you in moving your folding wheelchairs into and out of the back of your car.

  • Wheelchair cushion covers
    Sometimes you chair may get exposed to dirt or wetting fluids that may damage its looks and hamper its usage. As such, there is a need to have comfortable waterproof seat covers. The seat covers will improve the comfort of your folding wheelchairs while also protecting it from damage.

Bottom Line

Your collapsible wheelchair may work well without the use of most wheelchair accessories. But you shouldn't underestimate their importance. These accessories improve your mobility, and they can make you self-reliant in using these wheelchairs. As such, remember to buy high-quality folding wheelchair accessories whenever you go shopping for a wheelchair.