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6 Tips To Extend the Life of Your Wheelchair

6 Tips To Extend the Life of Your Wheelchair

May 15th 2024

6 Tips To Extend the Life of Your Wheelchair

Wheels are to wheelchairs as engines are to cars—essential. But just like any vehicle, your trusty mobility aid needs some TLC to keep rolling smoothly down the paths of life. Following preventive measures can extend the life of your wheelchair and save you from sudden downtime. If prolonged use causes your wheels to wobble and your spokes to unravel before their time, these tips are for you.

Store the Wheelchair in Suitable Conditions

When you’re not using your wheelchair, you should store it in a suitable place to prevent damage. Simply storing your chair in a clean, dry place is an easy win. Your living room or bedroom is a great place to store your chair. You’ll use it frequently, so keep it somewhere where it’s easy for you to access.

Resist the urge to leave the chair next to a heater or somewhere warm. Heat can warp components of the chair, which is a nightmare for your bearings.

Ensure the Chair Stays Dry To Prevent Rust

Rust is a chair’s worst enemy. Frequent exposure to salt and moisture could potentially rust and ruin your wheels, leaving you without a way to get around. Try not to roll through puddles. If you’re splashed, consider a post-drizzle towel-down. But be gentle! Aggressively drying the chair can wrench parts and shorten their life span.

Conduct Regular Maintenance Checks

Like a routine physical, checking up on your wheelchair informs you about its health. Regularly inspect the tires for wear and tear, test the brakes, and give the chair a good listen—any unusual squeaks or groans? If so, it might be time to call in a professional for a tune-up.

Clean the Wheelchair Thoroughly and Regularly

Maintaining cleanliness isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s also essential for the longevity of your chair. Buildup, especially grease, can damage moving parts, and no one wants their chair to resemble a dirty auto shop. Invest in the right cleaning products and give your chair a good scrub to ensure smooth operation.

Properly Inflate the Tires

Neglected tires really let the air out of any good wheeling session. Proper inflation isn’t just for smooth rides; it’s also about protecting the wheel’s integrity and ensuring all parts work cohesively. It's a small step that keeps your wheelchair rolling efficiently and safely.

Replace Worn-Out or Damaged Parts Promptly

Life wears things down; that's the way the wheels turn. Once there are signs of wear beyond what a cleaning can fix, take out the toolbox or seeks out a wheelchair supplier to ensure you can replace parts promptly.

By employing these tips, you can be assured that your mobility aid stays reliable. Just as we care for our health, cars, and everything that serves us, let's include these steps in our weekly wheelchair maintenance checklist. With a little care, your wheelchair can be a trusty companion for many years, helping you maintain the active life you love. These are not just tips to extend the life of your wheelchair; they're steps to enrich the quality of your daily journey.