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4 Signs You Might Need To Replace Your Wheelchair Brakes

4 Signs You Might Need To Replace Your Wheelchair Brakes

Sep 12th 2023

Do you believe your wheelchair needs new brakes? Learn the signs you might need to replace your wheelchair brakes to make an informed decision!

Wheelchair users know that a reliable braking system is crucial for their mobility and safety. However, over time, even the most modern wheelchair brakes may begin to show signs of wear and tear. Knowing the signs you might need to replace your wheelchair brakes can make the difference between a smooth, safe ride and an unexpected accident. Ensure optimal performance and safety by being mindful of the following warning signs.

Decreased Braking Efficiency

One of the most obvious signs your wheelchair brakes may need a replacement is a decrease in braking efficiency. If you find that applying the brakes takes significantly more force than it used to, or they're unable to bring your wheelchair to a complete stop promptly, it's time to inspect your braking system. Worn brake pads or damaged components can cause this decrease in efficiency, putting you at risk when trying to navigate obstacles or stop quickly in an emergency.

Unusual Noises

Another telltale sign that your wheelchair brakes may need attention is the presence of unusual noises when applying the brakes. Squealing, grinding, or clicking sounds can warn that your brake system requires maintenance. These noises may indicate worn brake pads, misaligned components, or damage that you need to address promptly to avoid more significant issues down the road.

Pulling to One Side When Braking

If you notice that your wheelchair pulls to one side when you apply the brakes, it clearly indicates that your braking system is unevenly applying force to each wheel. This can be due to uneven wear on the brake pads or damage to the brake assembly. Not only does this make it difficult to control your wheelchair, but it also puts additional stress on other parts of the system, potentially leading to larger issues in the future.

Loose or Sticky Brake Lever

The brake lever is a critical component of your wheelchair brakes, allowing you to apply the correct force when necessary. If your brake lever feels loose, wobbly, or exceptionally easy to pull, it may be a sign that your brake cable or other components are damaged or worn out. Alternatively, if the lever feels sticky or difficult to move, it may indicate that the braking system requires lubrication or cleaning.

Taking care of your wheelchair and its braking system is essential for your safety, comfort, and independence. By paying attention to the signs you might need to replace your wheelchair brakes, you can ensure that your wheelchair remains in optimal condition. Regularly inspect and maintain the brakes to avoid unexpected issues and enjoy a smooth, secure ride wherever you go.