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4 Popular Sports That Are Played From a Wheelchair

4 Popular Sports That Are Played From a Wheelchair

Feb 17th 2020

Just because your mobility is limited to a wheelchair doesn't mean you have to give up your active lifestyle.

Wheelchair sports are very popular throughout the disabled community, and para-athletics becomes more popular with each passing year. In fact, there are now a number of sports that can only be played in wheelchairs.
Just because your mobility is limited to a wheelchair doesn't mean you have to give up your active lifestyle.

Wheelchair sports are very popular throughout the disabled community, and para-athletics becomes more popular with each passing year. In fact, there are now a number of sports that can only be played in wheelchairs.
Just because your mobility is limited to a wheelchair doesn't mean you have to give up your active lifestyle.

Wheelchair sports are very popular throughout the disabled community, and para-athletics becomes more popular with each passing year. In fact, there are now a number of sports that can only be played in wheelchairs.

If you have limited mobility and want to learn more about the kinds of sports you can play in your titanium wheelchair, keep reading to learn more.

Speed Sailing
Imagine what it feels like to sail across the ocean, wind in your hair and mist on your face. When you're in a wheelchair, you can still feel all of that and win a gold medal for doing so. Speed Sailing is an extremely popular sport that requires a specific boat that is conveniently designed for wheelchair accessibility. All users are required to use a life vest among other necessities to compete in the sport.

Back in 1970, a man named Brad Parks started wheelchair tennis. Since then, it's been a major hit in the community. This game is played the same way as regular tennis, but requires players to have an adaptable wheelchair. This sport is found in the Paralympics and many wheelchair-users dream of competing one day.

Wheelchair basketball is one of the most popular sports in the wheelchair community. Started in 1956, the sport has become more and more popular throughout the years. The International Wheelchair Basketball Federation was formed to take charge of the sport. It's a competitive sport and is played pretty much the same way as regular basketball. The only difference here is there is an exception to the traveling regulation, of course.

Wheelchair Rugby
Rugby is such a high-contact sport that it may be hard to visualize someone in a wheelchair playing it. But in 1976 wheelchair users started participating in this cutthroat game, and it's been extremely popular ever since. Wheelchair rugby, also known as Murderball, is played in more than 25 countries across the world and is now an official sport in the summer Paralympics.

In the United States, around 3.6 million people over the age of 15 use a wheelchair regularly. And if you're one of those 3.6 million, that doesn't mean you have to give up your participation in the sports world. Most sports can be played by people in wheelchairs, there are just a few adjustments that need to be made first.